
Obama Creates New National Park

To celebrate the National Park Service turning 100 on August 25th, President Obama has created a new National Park in Maine. This is awesome news. I don't think we can ever have too many protected, natural habitats.

President Obama designated a large swath of Maine’s North Woods as a new national monument Wednesday, creating what is likely to be the last large new national park ever established on the East Coast.

In a statement, the White House said the move aimed to honor the National Park Service’s centennial, which will take place Thursday. The move occurred almost exactly 100 years after President Woodrow Wilson established Sieur de Monts National Monument, which eventually became Maine’s sole existing national park, Acadia.

Read the rest of the article HERE

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  1. Interesting situation surrounding this proposal. Is it legal to start with? The locals are opposed.

  2. Situations like these are always complicated. It's a tough call. On one hand, if they do nothing to protect these areas, they will be gone. On the other hand, some folks will feel forced into compliance. Legally it looks sound from what I've read. The law allows the president to use executive action to preserve historic or scientifically significant federally owned lands.

    Some were worried about no access for hunters, snowmobiles and ATV's but they will be allowed in designated areas, so that is a positive.

    Hey! You are my first comment on the site. Thanks!

  3. Is it legal, though? Members of Congress don't believe it's legal at all. And I'm not sure where this situation falls under E.O. as you've mentioned. Where's the historical or scientific significance here? Not that I don't think a new national park isn't important because it is.

  4. Situations like these are always complicated. It's a tough call. On one hand, if they do nothing to protect these areas, they will be gone. On the other hand, some folks will feel forced into compliance. Legally it looks sound from what I've read. The law allows the president to use executive action to preserve historic or scientifically significant federally owned lands.

    Some were worried about no access for hunters, snowmobiles and ATV's but they will be allowed in designated areas, so that is a positive.
