About Me
I live in the mountains of Wyoming, close to the Tetons and Yellowstone National Park. I'm proud of where I live, so I make posts about the area now and then.
I try to spend as much time in the parks as possible, but when I'm not there, you can find me camping on some mountain top or hiking, exploring, or getting into all sorts of trouble. There's always something new to discover here. I wouldn't live anywhere else.
I like traveling. My holidays and vacations usually include rafting, fishing, skiing, or other outdoor activities. A lovely tropical beach is always welcome too. I also like museums, so if there's one where I'm visiting, that's where you'll find me. I don't have many hobbies, but I enjoy writing fiction and nonfiction and reading about Paleontology and Archeology. I've even been on a few Dino digs!
My degree is in Psychology from the University of Minnesota, but I never followed through with it. When I tell folks that, they say something like; "I bet the psychology degree has helped you deal with people, hasn't it?" Not. One. Bit.
When I was a little munchkin, my Grandfather took me to see the trains he worked on, and I've loved them ever since. Trains are a thing for me; watching them snake their way through a canyon or roaring across a prairie. I love riding trains even more than watching them. Have you ever been on a long train trip? If not, I hope you can do it one day. There is peace and tranquility to train travel you won't experience anywhere else. It's one of life's most perfect pleasures. The train at Disneyland is awesome too!
Well, that's a little about me. If you want to know more, just look at my posts here on my website. I like to make people smile, so I can get a little silly now and then, but it's all good fun.
I'm also on the usual social media sites. The best way to connect with me on those is through my Link Tree page, where you'll find links to all the various places I roam. I hope to see you somewhere out there! =]:)