Happy birthday Thomas Moran
Thomas Moran was born 180 years ago today in Bolton, Lancashire in England. At 7 years of age, he and his Mother and siblings immigrated to America to join his father in Philadelphia.
Stating when he was 16, and throughout his life, Moran established himself as a well respected painter, engraver and illustrator. He produced artwork for several publications, but it was when he was doing work for Scribner's Magazine that he heard of the Hayden Expedition in 1871 and he joined it at his own expense.
The expedition set out to survey the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers, which was soon to become the first national park, Yellowstone. Thomas Moran was joined by a team of artists and they sketched, drew and painted many of Yellowstone's geological features and landscapes. In fact, their artwork was used to convince the United States Congress to establish Yellowstone as a national park.
Because of his many years sketching and working in this area, he became known as Thomas "Yellowstone" Moran. He and his artwork and William Henry Jackson's photographs, captured the nation's attention and forever linked him with the area.
Here is a link if you'd like to learn more. His diary from the Hayden Expedition has been photocopied so you can read it right on the website. Pretty cool! =]:)
Photo and artwork from http://nps.gov
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